Your personal, privacy-first health AI

Tunum continuously analyzes your wearable, lifestyle and biomarker data to help you understand and optimize your health

Available in US only

Connect popular devices & apps

Send us a note if your device is not on the list and we’ll work on adding it!

Get personalized daily insights

Start your day with actionable summaries, top movers & trends and key health metrics

Seamlessly dive into details

Understand your data better. Tunum makes your personal health data exploration intuitive and insightful

Uncover trends and relationships

Discover connections in your health data and detect emerging trends

Explore event impact on your health

Answer questions like “how does late night coffee or an extra drink impact my sleep?”

Effortlessly monitor your well-being

Easily track your wellness journey with Tunum’s user-friendly journal

Track 30+ blood biomarkers from images & documents

Monitor metabolic & heart health, liver & kidney function and hormones. Extract data from images & PDFs

Review your health data with AI

Ask questions about your personal health data and get wellness information

Easily export your health data

Share your health data as a CSV file with healthcare providers for more informed and personalized care